High-Tech fantasy-A-Toys vibrators with a trunk rotation function and a powerful clitoral stimulator. They have 8 modes of vibration and rotation, the speed of which is conveniently controlled by buttons on the handle of the toy. The vibrators are made of high-quality, easy-to-use, non-toxic, hypoallergenic, non-porous TPR material. The powerful suction cup allows you to fix the vibrator on any vertical or horizontal smooth surface. Several rows of metal balls are placed in the trunk of the device, which multiply increase the exciting effect. A-Toys vibrators are designed to deliver an unforgettable pleasure! The working length is 15.5 cm.
A-TOYS, Vibrator with clitoral stimulator, TPR, purple, 22,5 cm
69,76 zł
Wysyłka z magazynu: F1
Przewidywana wysyłka: Mon, Nov 25 - Thu, Nov 28
14 dni na zwrotBez podawania przyczyny
- Dostępność:
- duża ilość
- Producent:
- Kod produktu:
- 6975325852495
Udostępnij produkt:
Kolor: | Fioletowy |
Marka: | Toyfa |
Typ stanu: | Na stanie |
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