Wolfsblut Complete dog food
Game meat with sweet potatoes
- does not contain grain
- Suitable for allergy sufferers and dogs at risk of allergies
- high proportion of meat
- well tolerated and easily digestible
- does not contain artificial preservatives
- does not contain fragrances, colours and flavours
34% venison (including fresh venison meat 30%, dried venison meat 4%), sweet potatoes 32%, chickpeas, pumpkin, pea protein, parsnip, lamb fat, lamb stock, pea fibers, fennel, minerals, Jerusalem artichoke, spirulina, tomatoes, thyme 0.1%, marjoram 0.1%, oregano 0.1%, parsley 0.1%, sage 0.1%, blackberry 0.1%, raspberry 0.1%, blueberry 0.1%, blackcurrant, elderberry, chokeberry, nettle, hawthorn, dandelion 0.05%, ginseng 0.05%, MOS, FOS, yucca Schidigera extract
Composition analysis
20% | Białko |
10% | Tłuszcz |
4,5% | Błonnik |
10,5% | Popiół |
Waga psa | Dawka dzienna |
1 - 5 kg | 30 - 90 g |
5 -15 kg | 90 - 210 g |
15 - 25 kg | 210 - 310 g |
25 - 35 kg | 310 - 400 g |
35 - 45 kg | 400 - 480 g |
45+ kg | 480+ g |