Our statistics collected for many years in the service indicate that about 25% of damage to electronic equipment was caused by overvoltagesThe OPV-4 surge limiter effectively protects the transmission line enabling the surge current to be discharged to the ground, which provides proper surge protection of electronic devicesOPV-4 does not cause loss of signal quality and is a passive device that does not require power supply
REMARK! Before installation, please read the following recommendations: The limiter is not symmetrical and the protected device should be connected to the output BNC sockets (WY-1 to WY-4). On the other hand, BNC LINIA sockets are connected to a transmission line on which an overvoltage may occur. Connection work cannot be done during a storm. OPV-4 should be connected to a good grounding installation. The stop should be placed as close as possible to the protected device