Terraformation of Mars Expedition game Ares Infrastructure
What makes a planet habitable? The air we breathe? The crops we grow? These things are important, but they alone are not enough to make a planet a home. And what we all really want is a new home among the stars. The buildings we sleep in, the roads that connect us, the hospitals that look after our health are not luxuries, but necessary goods. Try living for a few years in a city without roads or sewers and you will understand the importance of a well thought-out infrastructure.
Terraformation of Mars: Ares Expedition - Infrastructure is an expansion that includes additional player boards, markers and phase cards to bring up to 6 people to the table. It also introduces a new Global Infrastructure Indicator, and with it an additional board segment and project cards to raise it. The standard action associated with the new indicator requires both heat and vegetation units to be spent, so players will need to pay even more attention to sustainability.
Please note that this is not a standalone game!
The basic version of the game is required to play: Terraformation of Mars: Ares Expedition.