PETREPUBLIC Pieces with salmon in sauce can for a sterilized cat 400g

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Complete food with salmon, pieces in a delicate sauce for adult cats of all breeds after sterilization.

Composition: meat and animal derivatives (86% of meat and products of origin), fish and fish derivatives (4% salmon), minerals, derivatives of vegetable origin.
Analytical constituents: humidity 80.0%; crude protein 9.0%; crude fat 3.4%; crude ash 2.5%; crude fibre 0.4%; calcium 0.2%; phosphorus 0.18%; sodium 0.12%.

Extras/1kg. Nutritional additives: taurine 410 mg; zinc (zinc oxide) 37.0 mg; manganese (manganese-(II) oxide) 3.65 mg; iodine (granulated anhydrous calciumiodate) 0,86 mg; iron (Iron (II) sulphate, monohydrate) 28,5 mg; vitamin A (retinyl acetate) 17 100 IU; vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) 425.5 IU; vitamin E (all-rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate) 85.5 mg; vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) 2.28 mg.

Metabolisable energy in 100g: 346.0 kJ (82.0 kcal).

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