Hand-painted picture "Painted picture - Artistic autumn" is a combination of high quality and uniqueness. Each hand-painted painting is made by experienced painters at the customer's individual request. Thanks to the unique style of the artist's brushstrokes, painted paintings acquire a unique character. So if you are looking for a unique decoration for your apartment or office, hand-painted canvas paintings will be the perfect complement to the arrangement of your interior. Especially if your living room, bedroom or office is maintained in a similar style.
Original design
Created by the artist on special order. 100% unique!
High quality materials
Hand-painted paintings are created on a professional, Italian canvas, previously properly primed and carefully stretched on a wooden frame. Only the highest quality, professional acrylic paints are used for its creation.
Ready to hang
The sides of the picture are painted over, so that the picture acquires a noble look and is immediately ready to hang. No additional frames required.
UV protection
Colors do not fade, even with prolonged exposure to the sun.
Safe transport
The product is properly secured in foil and packed in a safe cardboard box.