The nearby forest is teeming with life! The animals rush to the clearing in search of edible plants and insects. Some prefer to stay among the lush treetops, while others live in the undergrowth and feel safe there.
Forest Deal is a card game with simple rules and many strategic possibilities. While playing, your goal is to create an ecologically sustainable environment for fauna and flora. Playing tree cards will expand your forest, which you can additionally enrich with various animals, plants and mushrooms. If you respect the preferences of the forest inhabitants, you will earn even more points. Remember that some creatures prefer the company of their own species, while others are most interested in a specific habitat or food.
What is it about?
When playing the Forest Hand, players take turns taking turns. During each of them we perform 1 of 2 possible actions:
- We draw 2 cards.
- We play a card and check the bonuses in our clearing.
The cards include trees and animals. The former are the basis of our forest, around them we can play various species. The animal cards, in turn, are divided and each time we choose which side we want to use.
The key to victory is to place animals appropriately according to their environment and environment preferences, carefully combine the effects that affect each other, and make the most of the set collection options.
Why will you love this game?
- Although the game mechanism itself is simple, Forest Deal is a multidimensional strategic game. The cards contain many symbols, effects and relationships that influence each other. While playing, we have to decide what will be the most profitable for us.
- The multitude of available cards and their multifunctionality, as well as a non-standard countdown to the end of the game mean that no two games are identical, and participants face new challenges each time.
- The information on the cards about animals, plants, mushrooms and their preferences is inspired by real information about individual species, thanks to which the game has an additional educational value.