Skull (new Polish Edition)
Play, bid, bluff!
Skull is a simple, fast-paced and exciting game of bluff in which you take well-calculated risks to win - or at least not be eliminated. Each time, you have to decide whether to make it easy for all the players at the table (including yourself) or throw your opponents a curveball. Remember to keep a stone face and not reveal to your opponents which strategy you choose!
What does it involve?
- Each player starts the game with their own pad and 4 tokens. They all have identical backs, but differ in their obverses: 3 of them have flowers on them and 1 has a skull on it.
- On your turn, you can either place a face-up token on your pad or bet on how many of the already laid out tokens you can discover before you hit the skull.
- The first bet opens the bidding - no more chips can be added to the pot from now on.
- The first person declares how many chips he or she intends to discover. The others can raise or fold.
- The winner of the bidding is put to the test - he must reveal the declared number of chips. He starts with his pot and when this is exhausted, he uncovers the chips of the other players.
- If the winner uncovers the declared number of chips without hitting a skull, he wins the round. The second round won is a victory for the whole game!
Why you will love this game.
- It's perfect fun for diverse groups. It is completely language independent and the rules are explained in a few moments.
- When is it worth using your skull token? Have your opponents already set a trap for you? The bluff and bidding form of play make the game extremely exciting.
- Discussions over the table, instigating each other to take risks, lying and even telling the truth All this is not only allowed, but even recommended during gameplay! The more interaction, the more fun!