Balto Set for small dogs Premium

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Balto Set for small dogs Premium

A sensational set of mixed beef and pork chews composed especially for smaller favorites.

Perfect for a walk. Thanks to this, you will always have something tasty and valuable for your dog at hand.

The set includes as many as 10 pieces of deliciousness - everything that your little friend loves, i.e. pieces: trachea, esophagus, liver.

The pieces are specially selected so that a small dog can cope with them.

PREMIUM chews are:

  • specially selected raw materials
  • elegant, paper packaging
  • tight string closure
  • unique taste for your pet

Advantages of Balto products:

  • Fully natural and unprocessed: no additives, preservatives, dyes, bleach
  • Safe thanks to thermal pasteurization
  • Great for cleaning teeth
  • Do not contain chemical improvers
  • Dried, not smoked - thanks to this they do not contain ash
  • They do not lose their nutritional value

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