Balance Tricycle Scooter Psi Patrol
A scooter designed for children from 2 years of age.
It perfectly develops the child's sense of balance.
This form of outdoor play develops motor coordination, sense of balance and gives a lot of fun from walks.
It has comfortable handles, a non-slip wide and reinforced platform with characters from the Dog Patrol.
This steering wheel has a colorful, charming pendant with dogs from the Dog Patrol.
Wheels made of very strong PVC, do not make noise and allow you to play both at home and outside.
The unique twisting mechanism allows the child to safely balance the body while driving.
Designed for children weighing up to 20 kg.
Packed in a colorful box, it is perfect as a gift.
three-wheeled scooter Dog Patrol
- adjustable handlebar height in the range: 59-64 cm.
- front wheel diameter: 14 cm,
- rear wheel diameter: 12 cm.
- packages 45 x 33 x 14.5 cm