Balance Bike Red 5118
A toddler who is not yet ready for cycling and can not keep his balance. He can start his adventure with a balance bike. It will cause joy in every child who likes movement and play in the fresh air, will be a variety of a walk or a small family trip. This fantastic motorbike will prepare your young child for future cycling without the need to install side wheels, which used to be mounted on every bike, thanks to which they formed the basis of learning to ride and developed motor skills. This vehicle has been designed especially for the youngest children. Wide and reliable wheels, made by the inflatable method, allow the motorcycle to move more quietly. This is a real novelty! Now small motorcyclists can use a motorcycle even at home , without disturbing the neighbors. The optimal width of the handlebars with soft elastic grips allows for comfortable handling. It has a special handle that allows it to be carried by adults without any problems. The bike is intended for children over 2 years of age.
Motorcycle dimensions:
72 cm х 52 cm х 35 cm
2.6 kg
74 х 45 х 53 cm