The Unexplored Planet game
Build a Planet from tetris shapes, optimise the engine of your asymmetric Planet and Corporation, collect Meteorites with the Planetary Rover and defeat neighbouring Planets in a competition of objectives!
In Uncharted Planet, each player has a Planet to discover and a Corporation to develop. Tetris tiles are set in motion, with access regulated by a clever rotating feeder. Each time a tile is placed on a Planet, it helps build a planetary engine that generates victory points.
The Polish edition of the base game includes a rotating tile feeder, plastic rover figurines, wooden Capsule and Meterorite markers, and single-layer Corporation boards. You can expand your copy of the game to the kickstarter version by purchasing the Enhancement Kit add-on, which includes an additional 6 Planets, 2 Corporations and three-layer boarders for all Corporations.
- Cake tray, tetris and Corporations - the game is sparkling with brilliant solutions! A rotating tile tray that drives the game's choices, tetris tiles that you arrange on the Planet board, asymmetrical Corporations that you develop in different ways.
- No waiting - play your turns simultaneously with the other players. Fast and efficient or slow and careful? Adapt your pace to the habits of your team!
- As simple as gravity - learn the rules in a few moments and start exploring the depth of gameplay in the myriad combinations of Planets, Corporations, Technologies and Developments.